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2024–2025 Meetings and Workshops Overview

September 14, 2024

Program: Napkin Exchange

September 20, 2024

Field Trip: "Behind the Scenes Tour of Textiles" with Shelburne Museum curator, Katie Wood Kirchoff

October 12, 2024

Program: Pamela Wilson—Small Looms for All: Low-tech, Space-saving, Economical, Portable, High Rewards

October 12–13, 2024

Workshop: Pamela Wilson—Learn to Weave with a Backstrap Loom

November 9, 2024

Program: Leslie Fesperman—Weaving in North Carolina Today and Yesterday and Textile Waste and Rag Style Weaving

Workshop: Liz Moncrieft—Weaving Loom Compendium

February 8, 2025

Program: Andean Textile Arts (ATA)

Workshop: Workshop TBD

March 8, 2025

Program: Rebecca Smith—Transparent Weaving

April 12, 2025

Program: Nancy Gossell—Repurposing Heirloom Textiles

April 26–27, 2025

Workshop: Leslie Fesperman—Historic Rag Rugs

May 10, 2025

Program: Annual Meeting, Potluck, First Day of Guild Show

August 15–16, 2025

Workshop: Mary Zicafoose—Weft Ikat

Choose the Meetings link for a description of the morning sessions the Workshops link for a description of the afternoon workshops. Register for the workshop on the Workshops page.

Cancellation Policy

A monthly Guild meeting may be cancelled in the case of severe weather conditions or other uncontrollable Craft Center building issues.

The Executive Committee will decide by noon the Friday before the Saturday meeting if we need to cancel due to bad weather or other conditions beyond our control.

The announcement will be posted on the front page of the Vermont Weavers Guild website, on the Vermont Weavers Guild Facebook page, and under Guild Business on the Vermont Weavers Guild Member Forum.



Welcome, Weavers!
If you're a weaver--beginner or pro--the Vermont Weavers Guild welcomes you. Plan to join us at one of our regular meetings at the White River Craft Center Kimball House, Randolph, Vermont.    

Copyright 2007-2018 Vermont Weavers Guild . All Rights Reserved. Site designed by Kim Canon and Lida Douglas.